Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Brutus and Caesar Heroic Traits


  • Wants to be the ruler of everyone and wants to be like a God to everyone. 
  • Is not superstitious and he does not take any sings from god or anyone else seriously 
  • Defeated Pompey and most people where happy about it. 
  • Thinks of himself has higher then everyone else and thinks of himself as invincible.
  • Him and his wife do not have a good relationship, which results in problems  
  • Wants to be all powerful 
  • Did not follow his wifes advice or the soothsayers 
  • Too big of an ego 
  • Extremely ambitious
  • Oblivious to the conspirators and what they where doing.  


  • Wants things better for th people in Rome. He treats everyone as an equal. 
  • wants be part of the conspiracy for the people of Rome, not for his own good.
  • Has an equal relationship with his wife and he respects her 
  • Trustworthy and has great leadership traits 
  • Too trustworthy 
  • acts way to quickly 
  • Does everything for the better of Rome. He doesn't even think about how it will effect him  

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