Sunday, May 1, 2011

Overall Thoughts of Their Eyes Were Watching God

Zora Neale Hurston is an extremely good writer, with the way she uses similes, metaphors and just any type of imagery really makes the book come alive. The book can defiantly get people thinking about the racial issues and even gender discrimination of those times. Even though I believe that Hurston is an amazing writer, this book was not a favorite of mine. At times she makes Janie seem like this little helpless women  who cant do anything for herself. I also personally think that Janie seems to complain a lot, but in an interesting way. Janie complains through the things she does and her actions not necessarily her words.
The book as a whole was okay. The story of Janie's life made the issues of racial and gender discrimination prevalent and made me more aware of what exactly happened to a black women (in a way the bottom of the "food chain")  in those times. But in the other sense it seemed to drag a lot of pointless and little things out way longer then need be. For the entire book I would give it 3 stars.

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